Tag: businesstravel

Where and how to holiday post Covid-19?

The prospect of not being able to travel for months makes for pretty gloomy thinking. If we’ve one glimmer of certainty right now, it’s that travel will be more important than ever when things get back to normal after the Coronavirus pandemic. The next journey is waiting and, like you, we’re already dreaming about it.  You may need to stay home to limit the spread of the Covid-19 disease, but…

Why Should You Travel?

We live and breathe travel and we always talk about our undying love for it. The benefits of traveling are not just a one-time thing: traveling changes you physically and psychologically. You can travel to explore, to escape your daily lives, to relax, to step outside your comfort zone and shake things up. While traveling can be exciting and exhilarating, it's so much more than sipping margaritas on a sun-soaked…